
Anorak News | At Home With The Screwy Rod Stewart Family

At Home With The Screwy Rod Stewart Family

by | 12th, February 2008

kimberleystewart.jpgROD Stewart’s children, Kimberly, Ruby and Sean, are showing HELLO!” readers around their Beverly Hills mansion.

It’s not far from Rod’s pad. “Kimberly and Ruby will pop over to Dad’s place to borrow spices, while Rod can wander past the courtyard fountain and look in to borrow a corkscrew.”

Can it be that Rod does not own a corkscrew? Or is he forever losing them? Should Rod take to wearing one on a chain about his neck?

Rod Stewart was born in 1945, a time when you could leave your front door open and neighbours would nip over to borrow a cup of sugar, a tube of Ricketts Rub and for a look at your radio.

Admittedly, spice is not sugar, but that’s change for you. And Rod has always sought to move with the times.

Inside the house, Ruby is sat on the stairs with her “beloved long-haired Chihuahua”. That sounds like a euphemism, but it turns out to be a dog that you can fit inside a handbag.

Says Ruby: “I wake up at 10am and go up to my studio, look at my records and have a cup of coffee.” This is her “working day”.

Rugby does not go on, leaving us to wonder what happens next. Perhaps she is distracted and loses her train of thought.

Perhaps Rod comes round demanding a corkscrew…

Posted: 12th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Hello! Comment | TrackBack | Permalink