
Anorak News | Newspapers Relief At Paul McCartney And Lady Mills Divorce Deal

Newspapers Relief At Paul McCartney And Lady Mills Divorce Deal

by | 16th, February 2008

mccartney-mills-divorce-hearing.jpg“WE have worked it out,” says the headline on the Mail’s cover. In the nick of time Lady Heather Mills and Paul McCartney (aka Hank Marvin) have managed to secure a divorce deal.

Many thought the papers would run out of puns before Mucca and Macca agreed to disagree.

Only yesterday the Daily Star showed signs of fatigue with: “MACCA HAIR IS STARTING TO PAUL OUT.” Even the qualifying “he goes bald over divorce row” could not prevents readers scratching their own heads.

But now the good news is that they can go their separate ways and the headline writers can stand down.

As for the deal: Lady Mills, 40, “is to receive a £20million lump sum with further £2.5million annual payments until their four-year-old daughter Beatrice reaches 18.”

Posted: 16th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (14) | TrackBack | Permalink