
Anorak News | Barack Obama Is Shot in Canada

Barack Obama Is Shot in Canada

by | 17th, February 2008

obama-kennedy.bmpBARACK Obama has been shot in Canada:

Barack Obama is waving his arms. The crowd is cheering. I see the image I don’t want to see. I see the image that is the terrible sickness in the great republic. I see Barack Obama one minute smiling, the people crying his name. I see Barack Obama grab his chest and his eyes widen and his mouth opens and the crowd screams as Barack Obama, black candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, falls to the ground dead, an assassin’s bullet inside him…

Fantasising over Barack Obama’s death.

Writes Mark Steyn:

On the other hand, if you’re running for president not as an unexceptional first-term senator with a thin resume but as the new Messiah, the new Kennedy, the new Gandhi, the new Martin Luther King, you can’t blame folks for leaping ahead to the next stage in the mythic narrative. Around the world, a second instant sub-genre has sprung up in which commentators speculate how long it will be before some deranged Christian-fundamentalist neo-Nazi gun-nut deprives America of its fleeting wisp of glory.

Readers may recall Death of a President, the docu-drama about the imagined assassination of George W Bush, broadcast on Channel 4 – “In the dramatic sequence, created with the use of computer graphics, the President can be seen being held up by a secret service guard as his life ebbs slowly away.”

Bush would be killed by the righteous. In the aforesaid fantasy Obama is killed by the evil-doers. A murdered Barack Oabma will maintain the legend, build on his celebrity and be immortalised on the silver screen. It not what his opponents want but it is what some of his supporters dream of…

Posted: 17th, February 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (38) | TrackBack | Permalink