
Anorak News | Beth Morgan And The Mile High Rise Club

Beth Morgan And The Mile High Rise Club

by | 23rd, February 2008

mile-high-tower.jpgUPSIDE down scandal Down Under: “A town planner has become embroiled in scandal after she allegedly demanded sex in exchange for approving millions of dollars of unlawful developments.”

Undercover corruption investigators exposed a series of liaisons between developers and Beth Morgan, a 32-year-old divorcée, who is said to have approved A$135 million (£63 million) of buildings in return for gifts and sexual favours.

In revelations that inspired the headline “Mile High Rise Club” in a popular tabloid, Ms Morgan has given testimony to the powerful Independent Commission against Corruption that she had affairs with three wealthy developers in Wollongong, an industrial city south of Sydney.

One developer denies an affair:

The two other developers have admitted to liaisons. Glen Tabak told the inquiry that Ms Morgan was possibly “on a mission for sex” and that he believed that she “wanted to be surrounded by successful people” by liaising with developers.

All four attended morning meetings of local bigwigs – known as “the table of knowledge” – at a Wollongong kebab shop…

Posted: 23rd, February 2008 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink