
Anorak News | Tortoise Warm A Slow News Day

Tortoise Warm A Slow News Day

by | 25th, February 2008

tortoises.jpgYOU wait ages and ages and ages and ages and ages for a tortoise story to come along and then two appear at once.

In the Mail, Shirley Neely has cleared her fridge of alcopops and readymeals and given it over to tortoises.

Mrs Neely, who runs a Jersey-based tortoise sanctuary, says: “It’s much easier to maintain a constantly cool temperature with a fridge than it is in our ever-warming climate.”

This is a comment on global warming.

And while Mrs Neely’s husband open the fridge door and cries “Tortoise! Again!”, the Sun spots a tortoise who has set its home on fire.

Emma Fox sees Fred, 70, emerge from hibernation and takes her inside. Fred is placed in a tank beneath a heat lamp to keep warm.

But straw placed beneath Fred catches light. Flames. Smoke alarm. Fire brigade attends. And all is saved.

Fred is not cooked, and cannot be eaten roasted from her handy bowl. Fred should be chilled.

And what is more chilled than a globally warmed tortoise…?

Posted: 25th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink