
Anorak News | Tilda Swinton’s Acceptance Speech Formula

Tilda Swinton’s Acceptance Speech Formula

by | 25th, February 2008

TILDA Swinton knows her lines. She wins an Oscar for being best supporting actress in Michael Clayton.

She says: 

Tilda Swinton: “I have an American agent who is the spitting image of this, really truly, the same shape head, and it has to be said, the buttocks. And I’m giving this to him, because there’s no way I would be in America, at all, ever, if it wasn’t for him. So Brian Swardstrom, I’m giving this to you. George Clooney, you know, the seriousness and the dedication to your art, seeing you climb into that rubber batsuit from Batman and Robin – the one with the nipples – every morning under your costume, on the set, off the set, hanging upside down at lunch. You rock, man.”

Tilda Swinton wins a Bafta for her role in Michael Clayton. She says:

Tilda Swinton wins the award for most economical use of words in an awards capacity…

Posted: 25th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink