
Anorak News | Three Silblings Born On Same Day

Three Silblings Born On Same Day

by | 26th, February 2008

WHAT the odds?

Two siblings being born on the same day in different years was unlikely enough. But when Kim MacKriell had a third child delivered on the same day, she beat odds of more than 130,000 to one.

Ruby MacKriell was born last month on January 29. Her brother, Robin, was born on January 29, 1994, and her sister, Rebecca, on January 29, 1996.

According to statisticians at the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics, the chances of this happening are 7.5 in 1 million.

Unless you only have sex on certain days…

Posted: 26th, February 2008 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink