
Anorak News | The New York Times Is Copulating With Matt Damon And Sarah Silverman

The New York Times Is Copulating With Matt Damon And Sarah Silverman

by | 27th, February 2008

funny-affleck.jpgJIMMY Kimmel and Sarah Silverman are engaged in a “fucking” video war.

Silverman has been “I’m Fucking Matt Damon“. Kimmelis says “I’m Fucking Ben Affleck“.

Ms. Silverman is Mr. Kimmel’s longtime girlfriend. They may have endured sexual relations.

The video-off has reached the attention of the New York Times. In “Late-Night TV Satires Become Online Hits”, writer Edward Wyatt is faced with explaining the videos without mentioning much about their content.

(As of Tuesday afternoon, the four-minute video had been viewed more than two million times on YouTube. It has also been prominently displayed on the broadcast network’s home page,

Silverman “confesses that she has been sleeping with Matt Damon”.

Then: “After Ms. Silverman revealed that she was hooking up with Mr. Damon — everywhere, it seemed, and all the time — Mr. Kimmel vowed to take his revenge.”

And: “Most of the lyrics of Mr. Kimmel’s and Ms. Silverman’s songs are too graphic to be repeated here. One vulgar word describing the coital relations between, on the one bed, Ms. Silverman and Mr. Damon, and on the other, Mr. Kimmel and Mr. Affleck, was repeatedly bleeped out for the broadcast of each video.”

In the UK press the word fucking would become, with the strike of graphic wizardry and no small cunning, a coded f*cking. But the NY Times is above such things. As such, Wyatt is f*cked.

“The video also includes pictures of Ms. Silverman with vulgar insults scrawled across them — again, words that cannot be reprinted here and, presumably, would not appear on most Web sites affiliated with ABC’s corporate parent, the Walt Disney Company.”

Which is not fucking Matt Damon…

Posted: 27th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink