
Anorak News | Faggots And Poofs Back On The Great British Menu

Faggots And Poofs Back On The Great British Menu

by | 28th, February 2008

faggots1.jpgA GAY car salesman claims he was called “faggot” and “bender Ben” by his workmates.

As the Sun notes, Ben Hamilton walked away from his job and brought about an industrial tribunal case for sexual discrimination.

The judge ruled that it was not so, and Hamilton was the victim of “banter”.

Anorak is appalled and relieved. Faggot is an unwelcome Americanism, and as mainstay of the Anorak canteen.

If Old Mr Anorak cannot demand his faggots hot and covered in a cream sauce and enjoy them while sat astride his gigantic leather-clad poof without fear of causing offence then so very much the right and proper…

Posted: 28th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink