
Anorak News | Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Michael McDonald Pisses Himself

Celebrity Quote Of The Day: Michael McDonald Pisses Himself

by | 1st, March 2008

MICHAEL McDonald, he of the Yacht Rock harbour wall of sound in Time Out:

I don’t want it to sound like I’m bragging about smoking pot, but there was a time when that was a big part of our day. Smoking in the morning was normal. But a lot of things became normal to me. Seizures, pissing my pants, waking up in a hotel room with the New York City police at the foot of my bed became normal. It’s not like I’m proud of it.

McDonald was in The Doobie Brothers. And he worked with Steely Dan.

Musicians can take drugs so long as the drugs work and they make great music. McDonald’s lyrics can be found on Peg. Enjoy…

Posted: 1st, March 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink