
Anorak News | The BBC’s Bias On Hamas And Israel

The BBC’s Bias On Hamas And Israel

by | 2nd, March 2008

gaza-city.jpgISRAEL responds to deadly rocket fire into its territory with a deadly attack on Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip

BBC: Gaza rocketeers confound Israel

They are well aware of the Israeli military’s capabilities. Their goal appears to be to establish a balance of deterrence with each significant Israeli incursion or targeted killing meeting a significant response; one that they hope will encourage the Israeli government to restrain its own forces.

BBC: Fury and defiance; Palestinians in Gaza are angry and unbowed in the face of Israel’sassault

The rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel are carried out by Hamas members as well as other Palestinian militant groups. Hamas, whose stronghold is Gaza, calls for the destruction of Israel and the return of Palestinian refugees who left or were forced to leave their homes during the creation of Israel in 1948.

Hamas wants Israel to stop killing its leaders; Hamas wants to detroy all Israelis. Which is it? Does the BBC know?

On the matter of photojournalism:

The lead picture is captioned: “In Gaza City, a man and a child flee the scene of an Israeli missile strike on the interior ministry.”

It is a human tragedy.

sderot.jpgThis picture, which comes next in the BBC’s gallery, is captioned: “In southern Israel, a road in the border town of Sderot is damaged by a rocket fired from Gaza.”

So humans in shot. Just a shadow. And tarmac. But “about 50 rockets were falling on the town each day. One Israeli died in an attack earlier this week”. Ten people have been injured. …

No pictures shown…

Posted: 2nd, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink