
Anorak News | War Boosts Self-Esteem Of Iraqi Teens

War Boosts Self-Esteem Of Iraqi Teens

by | 2nd, March 2008

 KNOW that: Baghdad teenagers show heightened sense of self in the face of war

For obvious reasons, few social science researchers have ventured into Iraq since the American-led invasion. However, in 2004, a year into the hostilities, the US Army funded a team of Iraqi interviewers, based at the Asharq Centre for Polls and Marketing Research, to go into ten neighbourhoods of Baghdad to survey the concerns and self-esteem of 1000 teenagers.

The results showed that rather than damaging their sense of self, the war appeared to have bolstered the teenagers’ self-esteem, especially in those who felt most strongly that their country was under threat.


Posted: 2nd, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink