
Anorak News | Polish Builder Falls Foul Of System Abuse

Polish Builder Falls Foul Of System Abuse

by | 3rd, March 2008

henry-hoover-sex.jpgTO Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital where a Polish builder is cleaning up.

He is discovered. On his knees. Naked. A Henry The Hoover looking up with his big appealing eyes and welcoming, come hither smile.

The builder says he is vacuuming his underwear – “a common practise in Poland”.

He is sacked. The victim of a cultural misunderstanding.

The builder should respect our own customs and ignore Henry is favour of bicycles, fences and pavements – like any normal, decent Briton, like him and him and him and…

Posted: 3rd, March 2008 | In: Strange But True, Tabloids Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink