
Anorak News | Open-Mouthed Horror: Amy Winehouse Stubs Cigarette Out On Cheek

Open-Mouthed Horror: Amy Winehouse Stubs Cigarette Out On Cheek

by | 5th, March 2008

amy-winehosue-cheek.jpgAMY Winehouse has a new look.

The Sun says her extended cheek is not the product of implants, rather the result of her stubbing a cigarette out on it. Alternative reports are that she has impetigo, known among young lads as “the nose picker’s disease”.

But the Sun has Winehouse sat in a London eatery. She is smoking. She is asked to stop. The Sun says she is asked to stop three times. No. No. No.

She then stubs out the cigarette on her face, specifically her cheek.

Says a source: “She hardly flinched because she was so high. The whole place was open-mouthed in horror.”

Repulsive. Sickening. A roomful of diners eating with their mouths agape. It this what our once proud nation has come to?

We should focus on Miss Winehouse and ignore the unpleasantness all around her…

Posted: 5th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink