
Anorak News | Naked Casino At The Mirage

Naked Casino At The Mirage

by | 5th, March 2008

NUDITY in Las Vegas. The Mirage casino is opening its Bare lounge.
The Las Vegas Review Journal describes it thus: “You can enjoy European-style sun bathing in its two luxury pools while a DJ spins the latest in party music. You don’t have to worry about anyone looking in as you’ll be secluded by towering palms.”

The idea that its takes a gigantic palm tree to secure your modesty is an attractive one for many male revellers, we are certain.

But would you get naked in Las Vegas, in the scorching heat, beneath the merciless sun?
We learn that “VIP service includes complimentary services like chilled cucumbers to soothe the eyes; iced towels, rolled and chilled in lemon-flavored [sic] water”.

Cover you eyes less they burn like lemon juice rubbed into an open sore. Here come the day-trippers…

Posted: 5th, March 2008 | In: Sports Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink