
Anorak News | John Prescott’s Clean-Up

John Prescott’s Clean-Up

by | 7th, March 2008

john_prescott_sex.jpgWITH John Prescott wielding his Peacemaker in Armenia, the cleaners move into his former grace-and-favour apartment, or “love nest”, as the Express has it.

It is “Prez’s dirty secret”, says the Star. The place needs a “deep clean”. The Sun sees the cleaning bill come in at £3,500.

A picture of Prescott with aide Tracey Temple sat on his knee appears.

The picture suggests that the cleaners may have been a bargain.

A new office chair does not come cheap, neither a new desk, a new carpet, a new door, a new work surface in the kitchen, a new bath, a new set of kitchen tiles, a new bed and a new croquet mallet.

Someone open the window. And fetch the mop and bucket. Quick!

Pic: The Spine

Posted: 7th, March 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink