
Anorak News | What Did They Do To Madonna?

What Did They Do To Madonna?

by | 7th, March 2008

milf_madonna.jpgREMEMBER when Madonna sang about going on Holiday and getting into her groove. She was the un-American American. And then:

She’s in conversation with Interview magazine:

On working with Justin Timberlake: I really enjoy writing with Justin…We had psychoanalytic sessions whenever we wrote songs first…

On adopting her son David:He wouldn’t have lived if I hadn’t taken him. It’s not even a possibility.”

On gaining perspective:We live very comfortable lives, and unfortunately, we have to have our noses rubbed in other people’s pain and suffering to realize how much we have and how much we have to be grateful for.”

So thast’s why she lives in London…

Posted: 7th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink