
Anorak News | Hillary Clinton Is Yoko Ono

Hillary Clinton Is Yoko Ono

by | 10th, March 2008

bill_hillary_hippies.jpgA  FEW words on Hillary Clinton: “Saying that Hillary has Executive Branch experience is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beatle,” – Kos commenter, via Andrew Sullivan.

But what about Hillary bringing peace to Northern Ireland?

But what about Hillary curing Rwanda?

And if Hillary is Yoko Ono, is Bill – gulp! – John Lennon?

Is this the Bill Clinton Death Cult? Hillary has a Death Cult. And Barack Obama has a huge and vibrant Death Cult.

All American politicans need a death cult

Posted: 10th, March 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink