
Anorak News | Jeremy Clarkson Says Amin A Hurry On The M40

Jeremy Clarkson Says Amin A Hurry On The M40

by | 11th, March 2008

jeremy-clarkson.jpgJEREMY Clarkson is making news.

“Top Gear Clarkson hurtles down the M40..on mobile.”

Can this be one of those zany stunts where Clarkson and his Top Gear team find a new way to get somewhere: James May (“I’m On The Lash”) is drunk on a turbo-charged shopping trolley; Richard Hammond (“I’m On The Train”) makes the journey on pubic transport; and Clarkson (“I’m On The Phone”) is taped to a powered-up Nockia 210e.

But Clarkson is in a car. In “BERK IN A MERC” the Mirror’s front-page news is that Jeremy Clarkson is driving on the road while using a car.

(Please refer to Anorak’s exclamation mark bin and sprinkle liberally.)

This is the “Top Gear star’s illegal moment of madness on the M40”.

He is “snapped by driver Adam Blake”, who appears to be suing a camera while driving, although he says his girlfriend took the picture. Eyes back on the road Blakey.

Says Blake: “He thinks he’s above the law… Everyone knows you can’t use your phone at the wheel. Perhaps he thinks he’s above the law. You’d think a famous bloke like him would make sure he stuck to the laws.”

Clarkson is driving a 6.3litre, green 70s Mercedes Says the Mirror: “The 6.3l Mercedes 600 was the chosen car of brutal dictator Idi Amin, China’s Chairman Mao, Yugoslavia’s Tito, Leonid Brezhnev in the USSR and Romania’s Nicolae Ceausescu.”

Clarkson should be taken from this place and shot in the face until dead. Says he: “Er, that isn’t a phone…Look, I write a column for another newspaper…I’m not allowed to talk you.”

And he can’t phone you, neither…

Posted: 11th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink