
Anorak News | The Bruce Springsteen Murder

The Bruce Springsteen Murder

by | 14th, March 2008

brucespringsteen-fire.jpg“I MEAN who in the hell doesn’t like Bruce Springsteen, for God’s sake?” asks Karen Lee Cooper.

The question is turns out is rhetorical as Karen concludes: “I just picked up the knife and I went ‘boom’.”

The question might be: “I mean who in the hell doesn’t like Bruce Springsteen enough to kill him?” Murder is the ultimate fan tribute, the sacrifice that entwines singer with their No.1 fan for all time.

“Springsteen, Bruce,” say the books of record, “killed by Cooper, Karen Lee by exploding knife.” You’ll be a pub quiz answer before the ambulance arrives. No Springsteen fan will be able to pick up a knife without hearing a small explosion in their heads.

But Springsteen is not killed. Who is dead is Karen Lee Cooper’s husband, one Greg Maguire.

In “KILLED BY THE BOSS”, the Sport sees Mr Maguire remove a Springsteen CD Karen has placed on the music player.

This triggered a “bitter argument”. The music was switched off, and forced to make her own entertainment Karen stabbed her husband to death.

In the thundering non-Springsteen silence she even added a “boom” by way of a sound effect.

Karen Lee Cooper, of Australia, has been sentenced to eight years.

Bruce Springsteen is alive and well, turning the microphone to his fans and to the enjoiner “’cause when we kiss” hearing the retort “Fire!”


Posted: 14th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink