
Anorak News | The Living La Vida Lohan Loco Hour, With Dina And Michael

The Living La Vida Lohan Loco Hour, With Dina And Michael

by | 15th, March 2008

lohan.jpgTABLOID Baby looks at the Lindsay Lohan, and how her father Michael Lohan says the Dina’s show, the one featuring his ex-wife on E1, is “fighting mad, and charging larceny of the concept… and title”.

Michael emails Anorak’s man high in the Hollywood Hills:

“Dina took our entire concept and used it….Including the name. Ours was ‘Living with the Lohans’….hers is “Living Lohan”. How creative!!!! [exclamation bank withdrawal.)

“I spoke to Dominic (Barbara), Ben (Petrofsky), Barry Gross and John Di Mascio, all attornies, and every one confirms that I pitched the exact same show to Dina back in 2004. It was even in the press when Dina and her bodyguard (Ty Dux) leaked it out and even said, what a stupid idea it was. IT IS OUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY! I believe that you even said that you pitched it to Bunim and Murray. You should do a whole piece on this…”

You may wonder how you can steal a show about being yourself in front of the camera?

Says TB: “Michael did indeed pitch to Dina a show called “Living with The Lohans” as an alternative to his big-money divorce demands before he went off to prison three years ago. And the big, powerful Hollywood publicists linked to Dina and once-golden goose Lindsay did much to keep Michael’s reality project off the air. But why a network honcho wouldn’t take his show and pair it with Dina’s and creating

The Living La Vida Lohan Loco Hour

is beyond us. Those Lohans are a hell of a lot more interesting than the Kardashians. Or Paris Hilton.”

Can they do it naked?


Posted: 15th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink