
Anorak News | More Celebrity Suicides With Pete Wentz And Heather Locklear

More Celebrity Suicides With Pete Wentz And Heather Locklear

by | 19th, March 2008

pete-wentz-and-perez.jpgMORE on the celebrity suicide cult, with today’s guest stars Heather Locklear and Pete Wentz.

The Enquirer reports on Locklear “SUICIDE TERROR”, which on further reading becomes “HEATHER LOCKLEAR SUICIDE RIDDLE”.

The Enquirer quotes – which is a bit like Paul Burrell quoting Heather Mills. It hears a call to the emergency services. The call is from Locklear’s residence, or near her home, or near a home.

A voice on the line says: “I have a patient, and I have a feeling she’s suicidal.” Locklear. It just has to be. But it isn’t. Although it could have been.

Just as Pete Wentz, an American pop star with a younger sister called Hillary has not died.

Says he: “I got in my car. I remember I was listening to Jeff Buckley doing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and sat there and took a bunch of [anxiety drug] Ativan in a Best Buy parking lot. And I called up my manager because I was, at that point, completely out of my head with Ativan. And I was talking to him and I was slurring my words, so he called my mom and my mom called me and she came and got me and we went to the hospital.”

Given the money at these star’s disposal, why don’t they end it all in Switzerland, a country with a liberal view on suicide? Indeed, Switzerland is a country that can engender suicidal thoughts in just about anyone, a bit like an American star’s agent…

Posted: 19th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, National Enquirer Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink