
Anorak News | Lady Heather Mills Flies Economy With The Actualite

Lady Heather Mills Flies Economy With The Actualite

by | 21st, March 2008

heather-mills-missile.jpgLADY Heather Mills, the First Beatle, has been awarded millions of pounds in royalties by Paul McCartney. Now read on…

Says the Sun’s on its front page: “WHERE THERE’S MUCCA THERE’S FIRST CLASS – but daughter Bea goes economy.”

Having told one and all, “Beatrice only gets £35,000 a year, so obviously she’s meant to travel B class while her father travels A class. But obviously I will pay for that”, Heather is true to her word.

Mills is paying for Bea to fly “B class” while she travels A class. The Sun, however, insists on calling her a “first-class hypocrite”.

But she is sending Bea home early with a minder and nanny in the £409 seats at the back of a Virgin jet. Mucca, 40, will fly to LA the same day for a further three weeks before jetting home alone — in a £3,348 Virgin Upper Class berth.

The Sun says that while Mills flies in luxury, Bea will be “strapped in a cheap seat”, like a terror suspect or a boozed up, aggressive holidaymaker.

It’s so upsetting that “The Sun has decided not to reveal exact details of the flights”.

The paper sensitive to the public mood and concerned that other passengers will be hurt when right-minded Sun readers in possession of surface-to-air missiles take action…

Posted: 21st, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink