
Anorak News | The Sun’s Grass, Amy Winehouse And Blaaaaake’s Drug Squeal

The Sun’s Grass, Amy Winehouse And Blaaaaake’s Drug Squeal

by | 22nd, March 2008

amy-winehouse-newspaper.jpgTHE Sun’s apparent mission to have Blake Fielder Civil locked up for all time and his wife Amy Winehouse stored in some institution moves on apace.

Having broadcast a film of Winehouse “smoking deadly crack during a binge” and then demanded her arrest, the paper has been speaking to a “prison source” about Blaaaaaake.

Says the source: “Blake’s addiction is just as bad as ever and he’s bragging about how he’s been asking Amy to help him get a fix. He showed us the bank details of a known dealer inside Pentonville and said he’d asked Amy to make regular wire transfers to this guy in exchange for heroin.”

“Apparently he wanted each transfer to end in a single pound, so the dealer would know who the money came from.”

Says the Sun: “The asking price for each “wrap” is said to be £100 — four times its street value.” The smart move for any Sun-reading heroin dealer would be to get themselves locked up and make some proper money. And then try to solicit Blaaake for a customer.

Meanwhile, and perhaps not all that coincidentally, the Sun says that Pentonville’s “security chief” Andy Watts has written to Blake’s solicitors warning: “There is strong and supported intelligence he is involved in attempting to smuggle drugs into the prison.”

While Anorak cannot condone drug taking, we work under the premise that nobody likes a grass. And remind all showbiz types, journalists and their significant others that they should regard the Sun’s man with a notepad with the utmost suspicion…


Posted: 22nd, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink