
Anorak News | Cheesus, The Cheetos Christ Supersnack

Cheesus, The Cheetos Christ Supersnack

by | 23rd, March 2008

cheesus-cheeto-jesus.jpgSTEVE Cragg, Director of Recreation and Youth Ministries at Memorial Drive United Methodist Church, Houston, is eating a bag of Cheetos when he comes across a vision.

He thinks it looks like a… a vision!

When I first saw it. Oh, it kind of looks like a dog or something with the two legs. Then I turned it on its side. I was fixing to eat it,” said Cragg. “And that is the image I saw. I don’t think the heavenly choir actually started singing, but in my mind they did.”

His students have named it Cheesus.

Says he: “Please know that I am not making light of Easter or religion. I do not think that God makes Cheetos that look like Jesus or creates images of Himself on screen doors.

“I do know that God reveals Himself to us in a zillion different ways. Seeing the image of Christ in a Cheeto means that I was able to imagine it. God’s creation is full of signs and things that can and do remind us of Him.”

Old Mr Anorak once found a stain on his pyjamas that looked like a young Cliff Richard

Posted: 23rd, March 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink