
Anorak News | Singapore Teaches Lessons In Seduction

Singapore Teaches Lessons In Seduction

by | 24th, March 2008

singapore-eyes.jpgIN Singapore, the government is offering students lessons in seduction.

The city state’s flagging birth rates need upping.

Says 18-year-old mechanical engineering student, Isabel Seet, in the Straits Times newspaper: “My teacher said if a guy looks into my eyes for more than five seconds, it could mean that he is attracted to me and I stand a chance.

“It’s very interesting, and if I have a boyfriend in future, I’ll know how to cope with any problems we may have.”

Specifically, if said lover, most likely an optician, has cataracts, myopia or mad staring eyes.

Posted: 24th, March 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink