
Anorak News | Amy Hothouse: Winehouse Extracts The Urine In Rotterdam

Amy Hothouse: Winehouse Extracts The Urine In Rotterdam

by | 25th, March 2008

amy-winehouse-drugs.jpgAMY WINEHOUSE has been offered more than £350,000 to appear at “the weirdest club in the world,” says the Sun.

No, not at Manchester City, rather Aryan Tieleman’s Rotterdam nightclub, Watt.
Says Tieleman: “It is as good as certain.”

Weird indeed to expect Winehouse to arrive on time. But it gets more far out, kids. Know that the club’s energy will come from urine and sweat from the visitors. Toilets will be flushed by rainwater.
A cold snap and a lack of in-club excitement could cause the revellers to freeze to death. For such reasons, Tieleman’s is promoting Winehouse and not, say, An Evening With Anthea Turner or Celine Dion. Winehouse had best be on her game lest she bring on epidemic of hypothermia.

All in all, Watt sounds a lot like Glastonbury, only with working toilets.

And there are drugs. Says the Sun: “The club is set in the heart of the biggest drugs circuit in Holland. It is so out there that it might even shock Amy.”

That’s unlikely. And it seems all the more unlikely when the Sun also reports that Winehouse has been paid £500,000 to perform at Fendi’s new store opening, stood amid so many stick-thin models and their handlers…

Posted: 25th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink