
Anorak News | Demi Moore’s Trained Leeches

Demi Moore’s Trained Leeches

by | 25th, March 2008

leeches-demi-moore.gifDEMI Moore is oprmoting her new film Flawless.

In conversation with the star told US talk show host David Letterman Demi reveals:

“I feel like I’ve always been someone looking for the cutting edge of things that optimize your health and healing.

“I was in Austria doing a cleanse and part of the treatment was leech therapy.

“These aren’t just swamp leeches though – we are talking about highly trained medical leeches. These are not some low level scavengers – we’re talking high level blood suckers.”

These leeches are the Swiss bankers of the animal kingdom. And are we all that shocked to learn that Austrian leeches can be trained?

Right now a squadron of German bluebottles are making ready to fly in formation. On the command “Swat” they will pull on harnesses and tow a Boeing 747 at an altitude of 5,000 feet from Barsinghausen to Antwerp.

Unless, the French midge’s get them first…

Posted: 25th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink