
Anorak News | Bombing For Earth Hour

Bombing For Earth Hour

by | 26th, March 2008

green-bomb-earth-hour.jpgEARTH Hour is almost upon us and Anorak has been making ready to switch off the electricity.

But how can you be certain to turn off all the electricity at the correct moment?

We’ve been spending the past six moths constructing a power station that will save energy by enabling us to turn everything off with the flick of single switch.

Should the switch fail, Anorak’s resident jihadist has volunteered to step into the planet-saving facility and blow it up.

But not everyone is prepared.

A spokesperson for GCHQ in Cheltenham tells the Mail: “We will be turning the car park lights off.”

To avoid accidents, and comply with health and safety regulations, drivers are required to turns their headlights on to “beam”…

Posted: 26th, March 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink