
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: Mari Luz Cortes, Santiago del Valle Garcia And Clarence Mitchell Says

Madeleine McCann: Mari Luz Cortes, Santiago del Valle Garcia And Clarence Mitchell Says

by | 27th, March 2008

mari-cortes-mccann-poster.jpgMADDYWATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann

THE SUN: “Quiz killer paedo over our Maddie”

Santiago del Valle Garcia has been arrested by Spanish police over the death of Mari Luz Cortes – “Maddy 2“. He has neither been tried nor convicted of murder. Although the Sun is certain.

Says the Sun: “Both girls were pictured on posters put up by four-year-old Maddie’s parents because the cases were so chillingly similar.”

A spokesman for the couple, “who are both doctors aged 39” – such are the facts – says: “Given the similarity in their ages it is important police make absolutely sure there’s no connection.”

But what of the similarity between the cases?

“Sources said the pervert, who has convictions for child abuse, confessed he dumped Mari Luz’s body in panic after she fell to her death down stairs.”

DAILY MIRROR: “McCanns want Spanish paedophile quizzed on missing Madeleine”

Says Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for the McCanns: “We hope the Portuguese police will be liaising with the Spanish police to establish this man’s movements around the time Madeleine disappeared.

“We have no indication there is a direct link between the two cases. But given the proximity of the places Madeleine and Mari Luz disappeared from and the similarity in their ages, we believe it’s important the Portuguese police make absolutely sure there’s no connection now there’s been an arrest.”

Is there any need to tell the media that you have told the police how to do their job?

Is Senor Garcia the Maddy Maniac?

DAILY MAIL: “Spanish paedophile arrested for murder of girl ‘to be quizzed’ over Madeleine McCann’s disappearance”

The 52-year-old convicted paedophile was arrested late yesterday on suspicion of killing Mari Luz Cortes, the five-year-old whose disappearance was initially linked to Madeleine’s.

The McCanns printed thousands of posters with pictures of their daughter and Mari Luz on them in a bid to solve the two cases.

The cases were not linked by everyone. Juan Jose Cortes, the girl’s father said at the time: “We don’t think it’s appropriate to relate one thing with the other, because they are two distinct cases, two different countries and two different lines of investigation. Nobody asked us anything.”

Says Juan Jose Cortes: “Only now I understand what Madeleine McCann’s parents are suffering”

Wasn’t he once considering suing the McCanns?

The arrested man is a former neighbour of Mari Luz’s family and lived less than 100 yards from her parents Juan Jose and Irene on the route the youngster would have taken as she returned from a local sweet shop.

He had already been quizzed by police before his arrest yesterday after arousing the suspicion of locals by leaving Huelva with his wife the day after Mari Luz disappeared…

Speaking shortly after the arrest, Mari Luz’s dad said: “This comes as no surprise to me. We know it’s him.”

INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE: “Police arrest man in connection with death of 5-year-old Spanish girl”

He had been a neighbor of the dead girl, Mari Luz Cortes, in the southern city of Huelva and had not been seen since she went missing in January. The suspect had a record of child abuse, the national news agency Efe said.
Suspect No.1:

“His closeness to the deed and the suspect’s past record make him the principal suspect, both in the disappearance of Mari Luz as well as the aggressions the little one suffered,” Juan Jose Lopez Garzon, Interior Ministry delegate for the southern region of Andalucia, told the private news agency Europa Press.


“Two autopsies found she had suffered bruises but discovered no evidence of sexual abuse.”

Back then, “Distraught Irene Suarez, 30, insisted Kate did not kill Maddie, as suspected by Portuguese cops”. Mum-of-three Irene said: “With all the speculation that Mrs McCann could be guilty of killing her child, I said that’s all lies. A daughter is very special. For a mother to do anything like that is unthinkable”

METRO: “McCanns make TV documentary one year on”

Kate and Gerry McCann are taking part in an ITV documentary to mark a year since their daughter Madeleine went missing.

Cameras have been following Kate and Gerry McCann all year for the one-hour programme, at their home in Leicestershire and as they pursue their campaign in the US and Brussels

Says ITV:

“ITV has commissioned Mentorn Media to make a documentary marking the first anniversary of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance and focusing on the campaign to prevent others going through a similar ordeal.”

Has there ever been a similar ordeal, at least as far as the media is concerned?

Madeleine’s parents are said to be receiving no payment for their part in the programme, with ITV instead donating £10,000 to the Find Madeleine Fund.

Steve Anderson, executive producer for Mentorn Media, says: “Amid all of the controversy, what should be remembered is that a little girl is still missing and her family is trying its best to find her. We have been with Kate and Gerry McCann as they have pushed for a better system across Europe to help stop child abduction. They are determined to do whatever they can to make sure that what happened to Madeleine doesn’t happen to another child.”

What did happen to Madeleine McCann? And if the McCann are making no money from the show, what of ITV and Menton Media, are they donating earnings and advertising monies to a good cause? Or is this just entertainment?

Madeleine McCann: Ghoulish entertneinment for sofa sleuths

Posted: 27th, March 2008 | In: Madeleine McCann 804 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink