
Anorak News | Skip To The Lulu For A Younger Looking You

Skip To The Lulu For A Younger Looking You

by | 1st, April 2008

lulu-babies.pngHAVING shunned Botox in the Mail only yesterday, Lulu is now telling Daily Express readers “The Secret of Why I Look Young At 59”.

Readers should care to know that the uppermost picture is of the singer Lulu, and the lower shot is of Princess Diana, who will always be 36.

The Express is, of course, the paper of record, and resists any urge to replace the image of Lulu as is she is now with a picture of young Nicola Roberts from Girls Aloud, ageless Rock Astley or any other flame-haired singer.

Reading on it would not spoil things to say that Lulu’s secret to not looking a day over 58 involves loadsa shouting, millions of pounds and the blood of newborn babies.

NOTE: Alongside the picture of Lulu, the Express trumpets: “THE AMAZING HEALING POWER OF MUSIC.” Scientist found that one blast of Lulu can clear a hospital ward in seconds.

Posted: 1st, April 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink