
Anorak News | Britney Spears Is A Call Centre PETA

Britney Spears Is A Call Centre PETA

by | 1st, April 2008

britney-spears-peta.jpgHAVING criticised Britney Spears for wearing fur, PETA, the animal skin obsessives, are offering the jobbing celebrity a pen at their call centre.

Says a human spokesman for dumb animals:

“We might have criticized you in the past for contributing to the dog overpopulation crisis and wearing real fur, but perhaps now that your own crisis has abated, a new day calls for a new relationship, a new outlook, and a new understanding.”

And Britney is ready. Recently she has played a receptionist on a US TV show. And who can forget her work with headsets?

If Britney can be perfect an Indian accent, as she has an English one, there is every reason to think she can make a decent fist of being a PETA phone monkey, taking calls from worried mink and anxious Chinese cats…

Posted: 1st, April 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink