
Anorak News | How Corporate Lawyers Make The World A Better Place

How Corporate Lawyers Make The World A Better Place

by | 9th, April 2008

CORPORATE lawyers are not drones – well, not just drones:

You want to help make society a better place? You want to eliminate poverty? Become a corporate lawyer. Help businesses grow, so that they can create jobs and provide goods and services that make people’s lives better.

A corporate lawyer not only serves the public interest by helping to create new wealth, we also help defend an important social institution from statism. . . . Those whose livelihood depends on corporate enterprise cannot be neutral about political systems. Only democratic capitalist societies permit voluntary formation of private corporations and allot them a sphere of economic liberty within which to function, which gives those who value such enterprises a powerful incentive to resist both statism and socialism. Because tyranny is far more likely to come from the public sector than the private, those who for selfish reasons strive to maintain both a democratic capitalist society and, of particular relevance to the present argument, a substantial sphere of economic liberty therein serve the public interest.

Makes sense…


Posted: 9th, April 2008 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink