
Anorak News | The Indian Basil Fawlty

The Indian Basil Fawlty

by | 9th, April 2008

indian-basil-fawlty.jpgTO the Koh-i-Noor restaurant in Newport, South Wales, where owner Sheikh Ullah is doing a “Bangladeshi version of Basil Fawlty”.

The Mail says Ullah is launching a John Cleese-like verbal attack on customers.

Says Ullah: “You make me sick. You b******s – you’re all the same. You are f****** rubbish.”

At Newport Crown Court Ullah is given an absolute discharge and ordered to pay £95 prosecution costs.

Big news, indeed. And perhaps a rosy future for Mr Ullah, who can follow in the footsteps of Indian Elvis as Indian Basil, overseeing staff all from Barcelona.

Needs must

Posted: 9th, April 2008 | In: Tabloids Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink