
Anorak News | The Woman Who Married The Berlin Wall

The Woman Who Married The Berlin Wall

by | 9th, April 2008

THE woman who married the Berlin Wall:

Among the broken lumps of masonry and rubbish is a shed in which a film by Lars Laumann tells the story of a Swedish woman who fell in love with the Berlin Wall and now believes they are husband and wife. In the dark, my jaw dropped. The story, I realised, is not a spoof. Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer really is Mrs Berlin Wall, and lives with her now retired husband, in the form of various small barbed-wire-topped models of himself, in a village in northern Sweden. She says the day the wall came down was an absolute disaster, but she loves her wall just the same. As well as her beloved husband and numerous cats, she also keeps various scale-models of guillotines for company. What turns her on is parallel lines, rectangular shapes, forms that divide (such as walls), and others that connect (such as bridges). Don’t ask about the guillotines. She says she’s an object-sexualist, and believes that objects have souls, feelings, desires and thoughts they share with her telepathically.

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Posted: 9th, April 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink