
Anorak News | Tomorrow’s Amy Winehouse Sun Front Page

Tomorrow’s Amy Winehouse Sun Front Page

by | 8th, May 2008

sun_amy_winehouse.jpgTHANKS to the Soar-away Sun, Amy Winehouse is helping police with their enquiries.

The Sun is now the world’s first drugs free paper, committed to shining a small red light from a video camera or mobile camera phone into the faces of the nation’s leading celebrities. (Exclusive via: Beau D’Or Website)

As the official narks newspaper says: “AMY WINEHOUSE was arrested yesterday over The Sun’s sensational video showing her smoking crack.”

Hurrah to the Sun.

And hurrah for Anorak which has managed to get its hands on tomorrow’s front page.

Note: Plans are afoot for the Sun to be published on cigarette paper so ensuring that whenever a celeb lights up a fat one, the Sun is first one the scene…

Posted: 8th, May 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids 12 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink