Reasons Why We Invaded Iraq: No.1 – Afghanistan Is Boring
SCOTT McLellan, a former press secretary – think a piggier version of Alistair Campbell -attacks George Bush’s White House in his new book.
The Politico says McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war. As a revelation that’s right up there with news that nine out of then US porn stars sleep on their backs and the Pope has three children living in a beer cellar in Salzburg (everyone knows that, right?).
The book is making big news on the web and in the US media.
The book and its treatment reminds us how mind-numbingly dull politics can be, and how the leaders are just the ones who can feign interest the longest.
Picture: Why the US invaded Iraq – because Afghanistan is so boring and it makes for good telly…
Posted: 28th, May 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink