
Anorak News | Prison World Magazine Captures The Market

Prison World Magazine Captures The Market

by | 6th, June 2008

prison-world.jpgPRISON World Magazine is looking for advertisers.

Asks the organ:

Do you have something to sell? Do you have a product or service beneficial to inmates? Want to get the word out to the national prison population? Prisonworld Magazine currently services over 400 institutions nationwide with an estimated readership of 350,000 and growing daily.

No editor’s name is given for this US organ, but if it were brought to the UK, we suggest Jeffery Archer as a suitable candidate, although he will face stiff competition from tabloid editors past and present, Pete Doherty and Robert Kilroy-Silk, who has been missing for some time.

As for advertisers, we commend to your attention the peril of trying to sell the incarcerated holiday apartments, Club 18-30 holidays and city centre starter homes who count such experiences and things as theirs by right.

Goes the blurb: “Prisonworld Magazine offers better than competitive rates and an extremely unique target market. With over 2.2 million incarcerated, anyone who advertises in the magazine has a direct link to a community with its own market share.”

A free razor blade and small metal spoon with issue one…


Posted: 6th, June 2008 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink