
Anorak News | Slap Happy Naomi Campbell’s Pratfall

Slap Happy Naomi Campbell’s Pratfall

by | 13th, June 2008

naomi-campbell.jpgNAOMI Campbell has nearly fallen over, which serves as a reminder to Mail readers that the clothes (race) horse is human and that if you scratch hard enough any amount of gloss can be removed.

The paper reports that the supermodel “almost tumbled to the ground after a night out with friends in Italy”. Ms Campbell is said to have been leaving a party on a yacht in “high spirits” when she sort of fell.

End of story, you’d suppose, another chance for the Daily Mail to clack its marmalade coated tongue and use Campbell’s picture to illustrate a story about British women holidaying in the Med.

But a spokesman for Miss Campbell denies that her client fell. The rebuttal runs: “Naomi was just joking around with friends. She was pretending to fall to see who would catch her.”

It was all a trust test, wherein Campbell falls backwards and displays her faith in her mates.

This might well be true, and lucky it was that one did catch Campbell. But better had Ms Campbell’s humourless rep passed it as a pratfall, a great slapstick moment.

Who could not have liked Campbell more for such an act, reassessed their image of her as a stroppy prima donna prone to hissy fits had she slinked off the mighty yacht and fallen straight down a manhole cover?

But it is not too late, and should Campbell wish to win a legion of new fans, she might consider turning her least aggrandizing moments into episodes of high comedy – rising her phone throwing arm and finding it hooked into an airplane’s engine that whisks her into a giant smoothie which everyone tumbles into, laughing….

Posted: 13th, June 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids 6 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink