
Anorak News | Big Brother 9: Alexandra De Gale And The Max Clifford Brotherhood

Big Brother 9: Alexandra De Gale And The Max Clifford Brotherhood

by | 23rd, June 2008

mars-attacks.jpgBIG Brother 9 Watch: Anorak’s looks at Big Brother news in the media…

OPPORTUNITY knocks for Alexandra de Gale, Big Brother villain elect who, as they Star says on its front page: “RUNS FOR HER LIFE.”

“BITCH Alex De-Gale is living in fear of losing her young daughter and attacks from Muslim fanatics.”

The Star is on first name terms with the woman now said to be trapped between social services (hairy lips) and Muslim fanatics (hairy chins).

She may also be wanted by environmental campaigners should she “flee the country for her own safety” – “One pal said: ‘Australia might be a good bet for her – at least until they start commercial flights to Mars. There isn’t anyone in the country who isn’t revolted by her.’”

No sooner has signs of life been found on Mars than it is being turned into a penal colony modelled on suburban Adelaide.

Of course Alex can be saved, and sources suggest she is also being hunted by the Jehovah’s Witness movement, Scientologists and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Says a show spokesman: “The care team did think about moving Alex out of London. But in the end she stayed in the capital. No specific threats from Muslim groups were made to BB but there were threats on public internet forums.”

Run Alex, Run – and don’t turn back till you are in the bosom of the Max Clifford Brotherhood…

Posted: 23rd, June 2008 | In: Tabloids, TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink