
Anorak News | Amy Winehouse’s Does The Prison Shag

Amy Winehouse’s Does The Prison Shag

by | 10th, July 2008

SAYS the Sun’s Veronica Lorraine: “PRISON visitors were appalled as AMY WINEHOUSE simulated SEX in a nick yesterday.”

In a meeting with husband Blake Fielder-Civil, Winehouse is said to have “yanked her top down, pressed her boobs against a glass booth and writhed suggestively”.

The Sun says her gyrations were suggestive of sex. Readers who have seen Amy’s dancing, especially that move where she windmills her arms up and down like a demented bell ringer, may wonder if they have been doing it wrong, or else are not up with the latest trends in sex.

Says one “visitor” in the paper: “It was not a pleasant sight.”

Readers may find that sexual image easy to relate to…

Posted: 10th, July 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink