David Marriot And Chinabounder’s Fault Lines
CHINABOUNDER, a blogger, has upset the Chinese:
In August 2006, the blog hosting service Blogspot was unblocked in China. A psychology professor named Zhang Jiehai checked it out and found, to his displeasure, that a British English teacher calling himself ‘Chinabounder’ was writing a blog about his sexual exploits with young Chinese women in Shanghai.
A Professor Zhang launched an Internet manhunt for Chinabounder, who soon stopped blogging.
The campaign against the blog was launched on Friday by Zhang Jiehai, professor of psychology in the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences under a post titled The Internet Hunt for an Immoral Foreigner. “I have something to tell Chinese men: please think about how these foreign trash have dallied with your sisters and made fun of your impotence,” he wrote. “This piece of garbage must be found and kicked out of China!!!”
Now this:
‘China has NOT changed’ say the authors of ‘FAULT LINES ON THE FACE OF CHINA: 50 REASONS WHY CHINA WILL NEVER BE GREAT,’ David Marriott and Karl Lacroix.
‘FAULT LINES’ peels back the political stage make-up, thickly applied by China’s communist government on the visage of ‘the people’s motherland.’
Published in Japan on May 21st 2008 by Random House Kodansha, ‘FAULT LINES ON THE FACE OF CHINA’ presents China bare-faced, by revealing 50 real-time and deeply scarring fissures that prevent the country’s march towards global superpower status.
‘FAULT LINES’ may unfortunately incite Chinese rage, into a storm of anger, instead of what is really needed – perfect reason. As an example the authors will reveal the identity of ‘ChinaBounder,’ the blogger who enraged Chinese public opinion in 2006…
Chances are high that his name is David Marriot. And he’s good at doing his own PR…
Posted: 14th, July 2008 | In: Online-PR 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink