
Anorak News | Al Qaeda Targets Prince Harry’s Virgins In The Tin Cauldron

Al Qaeda Targets Prince Harry’s Virgins In The Tin Cauldron

by | 3rd, August 2008

PRINCE Harry, leader of the Ronald McDonald Army, has been targeted by an Al-Qaeda cell, reports the News of the World.

What better person than Harry for a thrusting jihadi blade to befriend if he is to immerse himself in British life before blowing himself into enough bits to satisfy so many virgins?

To Boujis in a baseball cap! Tally-ban!

A “senior security source” tells the paper:

“In the last two weeks there has been specific intelligence of a threat to Prince Harry. Of course, given the source and the Prince’s status as a serving Army officer who has seen active service in Afghanistan, it is being treated seriously. Every precaution is being taken.”

Indeed, given that jihadis shun booze, Harry is being surrounded by a “Tin Cauldron” of lager.

He will remain within the blast(ed) zone until such a time as the risk is reduced, or he drinks his way free…

Picture: The Spine

Posted: 3rd, August 2008 | In: Back pages Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink