
Anorak News | When Stuffed Alligators Attack With A Paedo’s Lure

When Stuffed Alligators Attack With A Paedo’s Lure

by | 25th, August 2008

IN The tabloid Telegraph, readers learn of when Stuffed Alligators Attack!

Roads were sealed off as they staked out the creature, which appeared to be lying in garden bushes with the remains of a bird in its jaws.

Now read on:

After a tense 30-minute stand-off, emergency workers used a camera to zoom in on the reptile – and discovered that it was a stuffed toy.

Richard Masling, an RSPCA inspector, said after Friday’s incident: “As animal rescues go, this one was child’s play.”

RSPCA chief inspector Richard Masling said: “We thought it would be a captive caiman which had escaped or been abandoned, then killed and eaten a wild bird and was laying on the grass digesting it.”

If you see a stuffed toy on the street, do not approach – it might be a paedo’s lure…

Posted: 25th, August 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink