
Anorak News | Food And Fat: The Tabloid Work Out

Food And Fat: The Tabloid Work Out

by | 2nd, September 2008

FOOD and fat advice in the tabloids:

While children used to play regularly on their bikes or kick a ball, they’re now more likely to spend their free time in front of a TV or a computer console. That makes it even more important they do some running around during the school day Councillor Les Lawrence, chairman of the LGA’s Children and Young People Board, Daily Mail, 1/9/09

COMPUTER games are good for your health — even when played sitting down, boffins claimed yesterday – The Sun, 2/9/08

Which is why Team GB wins Olympic gold for rowing, cycling sailing and all other sports that involve sitting down…

Posted: 2nd, September 2008 | In: Tabloids 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink