
Anorak News | Big Brother: Dale Dates Chantelle Houghton And Wales Declares War On Rex

Big Brother: Dale Dates Chantelle Houghton And Wales Declares War On Rex

by | 5th, September 2008

BIG BROTHER ends tonight, and the Daily Star, heat, OK! and Closer magazines look forward to some new fodder to stick atop the EU Celebrity mountain.

First up, we learn that “REX OUT TO DEATH THREATS”.

The Star says Rex is “public Enemy Number One In Wales.”

Whereas the rest of the UK fears Osama bin Laden, Noel Edmonds and the Hadron Collider, Wales concerns itself with a sarcastic chef.

In other Big Brother news, it turns out that on the eve of the end of it all, Dale and Jen have gone their separate agents.

And who has Dale “DUMPED” Jen for? Why, none other than Chantelle Houghton, the Jordan-Paris Hilton hybrid of Big Brother past.

And we can exclusively reveal that they might one ay visit Wales…

There be dragons Big Brother contestants…

Posted: 5th, September 2008 | In: Tabloids, TV & Radio 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink