
Anorak News | Amy Winehouse Does The Credit Crunch: Heroin Better Than Whiskey

Amy Winehouse Does The Credit Crunch: Heroin Better Than Whiskey

by | 5th, September 2008

AMY Winehouse is beating the credit Crunch by buying 48 bottles of Jack Daniels whiskey.

The Sun says organisers of the Bestival were “Stunned” that Amy ordered two cases of the beverage.

Bestival is, we learn, staged on the Isle of White, and the fear is surely that with oil prices surging, the ferry company or airline transporting Winehouse will go bust and Amy will be trapped forever on the rock.

The Sun solicits “a source” to say: “Whiskey is better than heroin – but not 48 bottles of the stuff.”

Indeed, Old Mr Anorak assures us that heroin beats whiskey hands down. Given the option of 48 bottles of imported booze or a bag of good quality British smack, Sun readers can now make more informed choice.

Posted: 5th, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Money, Tabloids 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink