
Anorak News | Benefit TV: Jeremy Kyle Gets Britain Working

Benefit TV: Jeremy Kyle Gets Britain Working

by | 8th, September 2008

IT’S Jeremy Kyle Gets Britain Working. In between adverts for women slipping on floors, men falling off ladders and Carol Vorderman selling cheap debt, Kyle will be abusing those on benefits.

This may indeed be the break back into daytime telly Voderman’s been waiting for as she uses her tight skirt (surely massive brain? –Ed) to work out how much the layabout on stage has cost Britain‘s hard working people.

You know, the grafters, like the ones spending their day sat in a TV studio baying for blood.

The Sun reports that Kyle has been approached to front a new TV show in which he will heap shame on those who don’t work, but who get along very nicely by playing the system.

Some might call them jammy clued-up bastards. But Kyle calls them layabouts.

And news is that the Government has earmarked £400,000 to pay for out contribution to this show.

“Do you know how much it cost you get out of your pit and on stage?” asks Kyle. Vorderman holds up the correct answer.


The crowd gasps, and eats its free biscuits, drinks it free beaker of wine.

“Be a man,” says Kyle to the scrote we’ve put up in a hotel and paid to be there.

“Back after the break…”

Posted: 8th, September 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids, TV & Radio 9 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink