Sarah Palin Takes On The ‘Moose Of The British Left’
SARAH Palin Watch: Anorak’s look at Sarah Palin in the news…
NEW YORK TIMES: “Fusing Politics and Motherhood in New Way”
Since that day, Trig Paxson Van Palin, still only 143 days old, has had an unexpected effect on his mother’s political fortunes.
Still 143 days old? They say he will never grow old, lest the virgin Alaskan ice be covered in oil…
DAILY MAIL: “Contempt, apathy and lies – why Britain is crying out for our own ‘pitbull with lipstick’”
It’s Melanie Phillips:
Palin’s storming of the political citadel is the victory of the outsider, the little person who takes on the establishment – and wins.
Hey, steady on – they’ve not had a vote yet…
Not only is she young, attractive, clever, witty and feisty; her love for her Down’s Syndrome baby embodies hope for the future.
They say Trig’s hair is a barometer of our lives…
Middle Britain is watching – and hoping that it will now be hunting season against the moose of the British Left, too.
“IT’S nothing more than a vicious smear campaign”
What is? Why, it’s that picture of Sarah Palin dressed in a bikini and holding a gun.
Posted: 8th, September 2008 | In: Politicians, Tabloids 8 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink