
Anorak News | How To Spot A Paedophile In The Park

How To Spot A Paedophile In The Park

by | 10th, September 2008

YOU join us in Telford town park, Shropshire, where a man is striding out across the open space. A park ranger approaches…

RANGER: “Excuse me, Sir…”
MAN: “Ye-es…”

The Mirror does not take the conversation any further.

All we say is that if a man wants to wear five-inch high heels on his boots, a silver sequinned jumpsuit and a large expanse of jet black wig hair and asks kids if they want to be in his gang, then who are we to judge?

Paedos come in many guises. As the Mirror says, they could be giant penguins, envious of the attention polar bears get:

Rachel Whittaker and Neil Donaldson were thrown out of Telford town park in Shropshire, as they handed out climate change leaflets while dressed as penguins.

What say the bigwigs?

David Ottley, of Telford and Welkin Council, wrote saying: “Our town park staff approach adults are not associated with any children and request the reason for them being there.”

Says Councillor Denis Allen:

“Our staff are asked to approach adults without children, using their own judgment and discretion. We have a duty of care to children.”

So adults are being asked why they are walking across the park by other adults, whose duty it is to watch and adults less they mess with children, who are at home playing on their games stations and taking recreational drugs, which is much safer…


Posted: 10th, September 2008 | In: Tabloids 10 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink